Elma Electronic 是嵌入式運算解決方案的全球領導者,包括整合式機箱系統、主機板產品、模組化機櫃、設備櫃以及標準和定制配置的精密硬體元件。作為一個全球性組織,我們在三大洲擁有銷售、設計和製造設施,與全球客戶和合作夥伴關係緊密。
全球力量帶來不斷變化的技術挑戰,Elma 已準備好面對這些挑戰。Elma 是先進嵌入式運算解決方案的全球領導者和行業創新者。我們的產品和整合平台基於一組模塊化建構塊,例如機櫃、精密硬件元件、旋轉開關和嵌入式計算板。
Looking back we can now see a shift in how development platforms are designed and how they are used by our integrator customer base. That shift is making it easier and less expensive to perform the development stages of a deployable system project and put solutions into the hands of the warfighter faster than ever before. Development hardware can also be shared between projects, or inherited by subsequent projects. This saves not only on lab budget, but the time to order and receive all new hardware for a new development project.
Similar to how cloud computing evolved over the last decade to the de facto way of storing and managing data, Edge AI is taking off. Edge AI is one of the most notable trends in artificial intelligence, as it allows people to run AI processes without having to be concerned about security or slowdowns due to data transmission. And its impact is notable in industrial embedded computing, since it allows platforms to react quickly to inputs without access to the cloud. We asked some Edge AI partners: If analytics can be performed in the cloud, what is the benefit of an Edge AI approach, especially as it’s related to industrial embedded computing?