Modular Cabinets for Demanding Industrial Needs

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Rugged Cabinets that Meet MIL Standards

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Open Standards
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Solutions at every stage of your journey,
from electronic components to embedded computing solutions, our experts are here for you!

Who is Elma

Elma Electronic is a global leader in embedded computing solutions including integrated chassis systems, board products, modular enclosures, equipment cabinets and precision hardware components in standard and custom configurations. As a global organization, we keep close to our customers and partners worldwide with sales, design and manufacturing facilities across three continents.

Reliability and long-term support with a history of deep technical expertise and precision engineering. That’s Elma.


Global forces bring on ever-changing technological challenges, and Elma is prepared to meet them head on. Elma is a global leader and industry innovator in advanced embedded computing solutions. Our products and integrated platforms are based on a set of modular building blocks such as enclosures, precision hardware components, rotary switches, and embedded computing boards.


person working on a backplane



Elma’s proven building block platforms are designed to enable our customers to secure efficient and reliable solutions. Whether it be for defense, industrial automation, smart grid or communications, we apply our decades of experience to deliver the right solution for your application.

Blog Posts

Partner’s Corner: Moving MORA Forward

Over the past several years, the Modular Open RF Architecture (MORA) has evolved to address the challenges of increasingly complex radio frequency (RF) systems through an open standards-based infrastructure. With several industry partners working together to develop a collaborative framework, MORA’s interoperability and modularity has been realized, resulting in successful demonstrations of multiple manufacturers’ technologies working together. So, we asked some of our open standards partners: What’s next for MORA-based systems and the embedded computing community, now that interoperability demonstrations have been successfully deployed?

Partner’s Corner: Moving MORA Forward

Why Development Chassis are Critical to Implementing Systems Aligned to SOSA

Looking back we can now see a shift in how development platforms are designed and how they are used by our integrator customer base. That shift is making it easier and less expensive to perform the development stages of a deployable system project and put solutions into the hands of the warfighter faster than ever before. Development hardware can also be shared between projects, or inherited by subsequent projects. This saves not only on lab budget, but the time to order and receive all new hardware for a new development project.

Why Development Chassis are Critical to Implementing Systems Aligned to SOSA