这些行业的公司正在利用Elma在工业和耐用级嵌入式计算平台和外壳方面的深厚专业知识进行下一代设计。使用 NVIDIA® Jetson™ 家庭人工智能和视频计算模块,我们提供高度可靠、高性能的嵌入式计算平台,这些平台有资格在一系列工业和环境恶劣的环境中可靠运行(高温度、高冲击和振动,以及防水、沙子、灰尘、盐、雾和化学污染物的侵入)。
With our partnership with NVIDIA® and expertise in ruggedized embedded computing systems design and enclosure packaging, we are taking AI Computing to the next level by offering deployable rugged AI embedded computing platforms based on NVIDIA® Jetson™ modules targeted for applications that need to operate reliably regardless of the deployed environment.
Learn more about how our products can address various needs across a wide range of industries.
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